Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Web 2.0

I'm going to start putting Web 2.0 links over on the right - if you have any for me, send them!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

OK, I'm back

I try and keep this blog free of personal "stuff" but I cannot this time. I will be continuing to maintain this blog for two reasons.

I have had some unbelievably touching comments from old colleagues and new ones. I cannot tell you all how touched I am.

Secondly, I think that the most recent post really got attention. I will try and concentrate on items that we can use to make us better and more effective in the classroom.

So again - thank you


Friday, September 25, 2009

Back to something of value

I've been debating setting up a facebook page for my class(es). I've seen discussions on this, both pro and con. I wonder, have any of you used any of these tools (facebook, twitter, etc) in your classes. Also how do they compare, in your opinion, to the course home page?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Comments from Howie

Sorry I've been negligent, but it's been an ... Interesting? ... couple of weeks. However I'm back now.

Russ Meade left a comment on his entry, and like everything Russ comments - it's well worth reading. As a matter of fact, I'll copy and paste it to the front. I've asked Russ to share the the moderator duties with me. I look forward to seeing his talents.

Yesterday a post was left that I found upsetting. First of all the post was regarding an issue that should be resolved at the Chair/Dean level. Secondly there was a personal attack on both me and a member of the administration. I will not post it.

I've been through these wars too many time, when a small group becomes upset a vehicle like this loses all creditability. I've been accused of being a "sellout" before, that doesn't bother me, what does bother me is blindly attacking people who are working extremely hard for our school. I'd like your opinions - email me at

End of Rant

The concert last week was superb. The Air Force band was great, Heck, they're Air Force! The only thing that bugged me was the fact that I was wearing Air Force Blue before many of the musicians were even born. I know that this is Metro, but I do wish we had more of us there?


Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Adjuncts Moment of Truth

Today's "Inside Higher Ed" has a very powerful discussion of contingent faculty. It is worth a read.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Coming soon, to an Auraria Campus near you.

Dr. Potter continues finding great courses for us. I lifted this straight from his email. I do love plagiarism. I think you'll find that the rich blend of coursework is exciting, and Adjunct/Affiliates are welcome!

The calendar is here

Second Life Pedagogy

Friday September 11, noon-2pm, CN 220 OR

Monday September 21, 1-3pm, CN 220

For faculty who completed either the 4-workshop series on SecondLife provided in Spring 2009 OR the SecondLife and Roadrunner Island Introduction workshop offered this semester, this workshop provides theoretical frameworks using Bloom's Taxonomy, Experiential Learning, Transformational Learning, Reflective Learning, and Social Learning/Inclusion methodologies applied to using SecondLife as part of the overall learning environment.

Campus Conversation: Grant Writing and Metro State’s Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Policy

Monday September 14, noon-1pm, AU 014 (Center for Faculty Development), OR

Tuesday September 15, 3-4pm, AU 014

The Office of Sponsored Research and Programs is undertaking a full review of Metro State's ICR policy. Numerous options are being considered in the process and the outcome may result in modification or affirmation of existing policies. Come get informed and have your voice be heard.

Second Life and Roadrunner Island Introduction

Monday September 14, 1-3pm, CN 220 OR

Friday September 18, noon-2pm, CN 220

This workshop will introduce faculty to teaching on Metro State's virtual campus, Roadrunner Island. Chris Jennings and Lisa Ortiz, Department of Technical Communication & Media Production, will lead the workshops. You will learn how to activate your Second Life account; modify and save your appearance; explore your inventory; set landmarks and home; and walk, fly, and teleport.

Civic Engagement: Best Practices and Tools You Can Use, Webinar and discussion

Thursday September 17, 11am-1pm, AU 08 (Media Center, immediately adjacent to the Center for Facutly Development)

Dr. Barbara Jacoby explains how to prepare students for lives of engagement in our communities by sharing her insight into the fundamentals and best practices of civic engagement in higher education.

Study Abroad Course Development Workshop

Friday September 18, 1-2:30pm, WC 133 OR

Friday October 16, 1-2:30pm, CN 301

Are you thinking of developing a short-term study abroad course for Metro State? Learn the necessary steps to turn your course development idea into a reality. Workshop presenters will be Dr. Gudrun Clay, Professor, Modern Languages and Chairperson of the International Education Committee and Dr. Akbarali Thobhani, Interim Chair, African/African American Studies Department and Executive Director, Office of International Studies.

Connections: Linking Teaching and Research @ Auraria Library

Friday September September 25, 9:30-11am, Auraria Library

A series of 4 workshops during the Fall 2009 semester. Today's topic: Free! Open Source. What happens when no one owns the course content, but everyone is free to use it? Welcome to the exciting, promising and confusing world of “open source content”. Following the revolution in open source software, open source content looks to expand the possibilities of learning and encourage the exchange of ideas and information. Find out what’s available, how to use it and the value of it. PLEASE REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT AT THE LIBRARY'S WEB SITE,

Thursday, September 3, 2009