Sunday, August 9, 2009

Notes from a Colleague

A colleague that I deeply respect had some difficulty getting on, so here are her comments. Note: if you have the same problems - just send them to me and I'll post them without any editing hf

We have tried in the past to get adjunct faculty to wear something
special on a certain day to stand out, whatever. The problem is
getting the word out. What mechanism would you have to do so for t-
shirt sales? Before anyone spends money printing them, consider the
probable lack of participation. Constance Wise

Second comment: I've just (after 4 years) discovered the ETC --
Educational Technology Center -- where they offer great support in
learning the new MSCD on-line software -- VISTA (used to be
blackboard, before which it was Web CT). Anyone interested in
teaching on-line should contact them: 303-352-4232. To ask them for
help, go to Constance Wise

1 comment:

The Flomblog said...

There are sites that will do Print on demand - no initial outlay -.

Thanks for participating Constance