At the request of that untiring supporter of adjuncts at our college, Howie Flomberg, and with the consent of the Administration, I have agreed to take up the administration of this great" potential "vehicle for Adjuncts!
Very few colleges and universities have such a voice so I do hope that you all will be active participants in every fashion.
I hope also to simply be in the background to assist in anyway I can.
As we all know, Adjuncts are often the forgotten people in academia in spite of the massive contribution we all make to higher education.
Perhaps in some way, this is our own fault simply because we do not assist each other, net work with each other, and work to connect us all to our university.
So perhaps the best way to start is to simply introduce ourselves, tell us what you teach, where you live, and your thoughts on how we can assist each other.
All positive, life affirming, useful posts are encouraged.
Let's see how we can "work together" to assist our students, our university, and ourselves
Russ Meade
I think that Russ' style is already showing. I happily sit back and watch.
Some of the things that I'm writing may cause some consternation at Metro - but I give my promise I'll never be destructive and when I find fault with something I'll offer a solution.
Hello! Rachael Lehman here. Teach 3.3.2 over in SABS. Love working at Metro!
Hi Everyone,
My name is Nicole Meyer and I work in the Communication Arts and Sciences department at Metro. I teach Public Speaking, Cultural Influences on Communication and lots of other courses, as assigned. I also teach at CCD. CCD is MUCH harder than Metro, but the faculty support is wonderful so that's why I stay. I teach Public Speaking to a program that is receiving a lot of national attention. The program gives high school students the opportunity to get college credit.
Many of my students are 14!!! (They neglected to tell me this when I was hired - thought I would die for the first six weeks). At least 80% of the students are at-risk of dropping out of school or have ALREADY been asked to leave other schools. It's been a challenging year, but I'm not giving up.
In addition to teaching six classes between Metro and CCD, I received three small grants and I will be speaking about my experience at the Metro conference on Jan. 14. It's called, Difficult Dialogues.
If you know anyone that has a wedding coming up, I also officiate weddings. My website is ColoradoWeddingVows.net. I used to own a photography company and shot 40 to 40 weddings a year, but I wanted to be the minister instead so I got my license in 2002.
Sorry to blab so much; what's up with you?
Nicole Meyer
I want to wish all a Good and Very-Very Positive New Year. My name is Christina Sigala, my Native name is Strong Life Ways Woman. I am of Mexican and American Indian decent.
I have worked for MSCD in various capacities since 2002-from interim assoc dir of women's studies-to part time prof teaching American Indian Studies-Social Work and now Chicana/o Studies. I started my doctoral program (educ leadership)2 yrs ago at CSU--but stopped to find money to pay for it.
I appreciate this format to allow all of us to support each other--as for many of us working at MSCD is connected to our "passion of our profession" in teaching and helping our students become strong leaders for "all of our communities".
In the Native American "way of life" we have a philosophy that is the foundation of how we live and that is a term called "Mitakuye Oyasin"= "We Are All Related".
In regards to another philosophical foundation rooted in connectedness is "preparing for seven generations", and that is what we are all doing.
I thank you all for the work that you have and will continue to do.
have lots of fun in 2010 and be POSITVE--stay away from negative people----
With Peace
Christina M.Sigala
Russ, I took the liberty of approving two comments. I hope you don't mind. I notice your subtle influence and I have only one comment.
Go Man, go!
Christina, I appreciate your words of wisdom. Negativity is contageous and it's like quicksand. I am Hispanic (from Spain) and Anglo and Native American. I would love to meet you some day. I like your spirit.
I also like Russ's sign off: Namaste. If more people practiced the words of peace and respect that we are seeing manifested in the first few postings, the world would be a better place and our students and families would be better served.
Howie, thank you for starting all this. You are a good man.
Nicole Meyer
Happy New Year!
My name is Dan Stone and I teach for MSCD in the Psych. Dept--courses so far have included Intro to Psych, Death and Dying, and Psychology of Sexual Orientation.
I also teach online for Axia College/Univ. of Phoenix and sometimes for Regis.
I'm a novelist/poet and freelance writer/editor as well. See my website at: www.firstadream.com.
I appreciate Russ taking this on and look forward to hearing more from fellow affiliate faculty.
Hello everyone and Happy New Year. My name is Erica Larson and I teach Intro. to Environmental Science at Metro and DeVry University. I have also been a 4th and 5th grade classroom teacher at a Title I school here in Denver. This was a very challenging population of students with most of them living below the poverty line with many of the parents in prison and gangs, so I could relate to what Nicole Meyer was saying in her comment about dealing with challenging students. After I had my son I took a leave of absence and decided to start teaching college classes in the evenings and weekends so that I could be home with my son during the day. I am really enjoying teaching college students. It is nice to focus on the content, curriculum, and pedagogy and not having to manage behavior and family issues. Teaching college students is very different than elementary in a lot of ways and yet surprisingly similar in a lot of ways as well. I look forward to sharing and learning on this blog.
Hello everyone and Happy New Year. My name is Erica Larson and I teach Intro. to Environmental Science at Metro and DeVry University. I have also been a 4th and 5th grade classroom teacher at a Title I school here in Denver. This was a very challenging population of students with most of them living below the poverty line with many of the parents in prison and gangs, so I could relate to what Nicole Meyer was saying in her comment about dealing with challenging students. After I had my son I took a leave of absence and decided to start teaching college classes in the evenings and weekends so that I could be home with my son during the day. I am really enjoying teaching college students. It is nice to focus on the content, curriculum, and pedagogy and not having to manage behavior and family issues. Teaching college students is very different than elementary in a lot of ways and yet surprisingly similar in a lot of ways as well. I look forward to sharing and learning on this blog.
Happy new year, everyone!
My name is Patricia Dahl and I am a part-time adjunct instructor for Metro's criminal justice department. I also teach part-time (online and hybrid courses) at two other colleges from time to time. I thoroughly enjoy teaching at Metro and look forward to learning more about other affiliate faculty members.
I've been a lurker on this blog for a bit and thought it's only right for me to introduce myself to everyone else that is on the adjunct (ahem) affiliate blog...
My name is Katie Flannery and I've been teaching at Metro for 5 1/2 years. I teach music history - three classes a semester: Musics of America and two sections of Intro to Music.
I think it's constructive to have an open forum for those that wish to participate in the exchange of ideas on this blog.
I have a blog and sometimes write about the joys and frustrations of teaching. You can find it at: http://katiejustsayin.blogspot.com
Comment are more than welcome!!
Best wishes for an inspired, productive and positive Spring semester =)
Hi everyone,
Ericka Baxter here; affiliate faculty teaching The Inclusive Music & Art Classroom with the Dept. of Art, and Education Coordinator for Metro's Center for Visual Art (CVA).
So happy to discover this blog, and to know there's a tool out there for us to use to connect. Share on....
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